We offer you this guide which summarizes the questions to ask yourself and the steps to take to choose the right senior health insurance.

Keep your old mutual insurance?

The first question we may ask ourselves when retirement age comes is: “Why not just keep my company’s mutual insurance”. This choice is generally quick and advantageous. First of all, because the part of the contribution that was covered by your employer comes back to you. Therefore, the rate you pay increases.
Then because the offers of these mutuals are tailored for professionals, therefore for a certain age group. If the law prevents prices from changing during the years following the end of the career, they quickly tend to rise after this period.
Finally, because the protections are not always adapted to a senior audience it is better to anticipate these needs. It is more difficult to subscribe to advantageous mutual insurance after the age of 80.

First step: anticipate your needs

When you subscribe to senior mutual insurance, you have to think long-term. At this age, health can fluctuate and it is important to be well covered for any future care you may receive. For this, it is recommended and very often requested by insurers to carry out a health check-up with your doctor. This will be able to highlight points of vigilance that you will need to monitor.
Depending on your career, your current state of health, or any family history, it may also be relevant to cover you for different risks.
Once you have determined the dangers for which you wish to be covered, you will then need to identify the senior mutual insurance options that exist on the market.

Compare the different senior mutual insurance companies

Nowadays, the simplest way to identify the different senior mutual insurance offers is to use an online comparator such as that offered by Ma Santé Senior. These services allow you to compare numerous packages that match your search criteria to help you find the offer that suits you at the best price. These tools allow us to offer you a more exhaustive reading of the market reality.

Study the different guarantees

Thanks to your better knowledge of the market and a good definition of your needs, you will also need to identify the guarantees you will need. Some are the subject of options, others are integrated into the basic mutual insurance package. Here are the main guarantees to study:

Optical care

It is recommended to take out coverage for expenses related to optical care. In fact, this health care item is very common among seniors and can quickly represent a significant cost.
Reimbursement of hearing aids
Like optical care, hearing problems are unfortunately common and not always well covered by social security. We recommend that you rely on a senior mutual insurance company which will offer you reimbursement of these costs.

Dental care

The last essential item in a good senior mutual fund: covering dental costs. Just like the previous two expense items, dental procedures can be very expensive.

Hospital reimbursement

In the event of hospitalization, only part of the costs are covered by health insurance. This risk is rarer but depending on your situation and your wishes, it may be useful to cover yourself as well.

Alternative medicine

If you are a fan of alternative medicine such as spa treatments, acupuncture sessions, or going to the dietitian, you can ask your senior mutual to subscribe to an option of this type.
Finally, don’t forget that you will always be able to change senior mutual insurance if the one you subscribed to does not ultimately suit you.


life insurance investment stands as a cornerstone of financial planning, offering individuals and families a multifaceted approach to safeguarding their future financial security. Throughout this exploration of its explanation and principles, we’ve uncovered the intricate balance between protection, savings, and investment inherent in life insurance.

Life insurance, whether in the form of term or permanent policies, serves not only as a safety net against life’s uncertainties but also as a vehicle for building wealth over time. The cash value component of permanent life insurance policies, in particular, presents an opportunity for policyholders to accumulate savings on a tax-deferred basis, providing a valuable resource for future needs such as education expenses, retirement income, or legacy planning.

The flexibility inherent in life insurance investment allows individuals to tailor their policies to suit their unique circumstances and financial goals. From adjusting coverage amounts and premium payments to selecting investment options and beneficiaries, policyholders have the autonomy to shape their policies according to their evolving needs and priorities.

Furthermore, life insurance investment offers a range of tax advantages, including tax-deferred growth, tax-free death benefits for beneficiaries, and tax-advantaged access to cash value. These benefits enhance the overall value proposition of life insurance as a comprehensive financial planning tool.

Ultimately, life insurance investment provides individuals and families with the peace of mind that comes from knowing they have taken proactive steps to protect their loved ones’ financial well-being in the face of life’s uncertainties. By embracing the principles of risk management, long-term savings, and legacy planning inherent in life insurance, individuals can navigate the complexities of financial planning with confidence and clarity.

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