Social Security does not cover all medical costs, so it is important to take out health insurance.

Most insurers offer complementary health offers. In addition to the basic offers, some contracts include additional guarantees and are, therefore, more advantageous.

The basic offers of complementary health insurance

Supplementary health insurance covers the reimbursement of all or part of health expenses in the event of illness, accident, or as part of medical follow-up during maternity which are not covered by health insurance. OBLIGATORY.

Are concerned :

  • The co-payment for consultations, interventions, and services which are covered by Social Security and provided by health professionals applying the agreed rate,
  • Hospitalization costs,
  • Dental care expenses,
  • Optical care expenses.


Guarantees vary depending on the contract. In general, complementary health insurance covers hospitalization costs for specific medical treatments or surgeries as well as daily rates for room occupancy.

Pharmacy expenses and costs incurred for carrying out medical analyses, x-rays, and procedures in the field of neuropsychiatry and obstetrics are also covered.

Supplementary health insurance also reimburses significant expenses for the purchase of optical care and medical equipment (glasses, lenses, etc.), and dental and orthopedic equipment (prostheses).

Guarantees and additional services

To further reduce healthcare costs for policyholders, some insurance companies extend coverage and offer additional services.

The third-party payer

Some insurance companies practice third-party payment. This system prevents policyholders from having to advance all or part of the co-payment, upon presentation of the third-party payer certificate. To do this, the insurer works in partnership with its network of health professionals to whom it directly pays the amount covered.


The insurer provides health and well-being advice to policyholders who subscribe to the supplementary health policy. The information can be delivered on request or via one or more specific media.

Coverage of costs for non-conventional medical care

Consultations and procedures in non-conventional medicine are not covered by Social Security. These practices, like osteopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, etc. have nevertheless demonstrated their effectiveness in the treatment of certain pathologies and are therefore gaining more and more followers.

Other additional services

The most advantageous supplementary health insurance contracts include, in addition to basic guarantees, additional services such as home assistance services, childcare, household help, etc. for sick people immobilized at home or hospitalized.

Furthermore, with the rise of digital technology, insurers can include online services that best accommodate policyholders, such as remote consultation, and which facilitate the various procedures relating to reimbursements: the provision of a dedicated mobile application integrating an interface to manage requests.


finding the most advantageous health insurance requires careful consideration of several key factors to ensure that the chosen plan provides comprehensive coverage while also being affordable and accessible. Here’s a summary of the steps involved in the process:

Understand Different Types of Plans: Familiarize yourself with the various types of health insurance plans available, such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and high-deductible health plans (HDHPs). Each type of plan has its own features, including provider networks, cost-sharing arrangements, and coverage options.

Compare Plan Benefits: Compare the benefits offered by different health insurance plans, including coverage for medical services, prescription drugs, preventive care, and specialist consultations. Look for plans that provide comprehensive coverage for essential healthcare services while also offering flexibility in choosing providers and treatment options.

Consider Cost and Affordability: Evaluate the cost of premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance associated with each plan. While lower premiums may be appealing, it’s essential to consider the overall cost of coverage, including out-of-pocket expenses, to ensure affordability in the long run.

Review Provider Networks: Check the provider networks associated with each insurance plan to ensure that your preferred doctors, hospitals, and specialists are included. Consider the accessibility and quality of healthcare providers within each network to ensure timely and convenient access to care.

Examine Additional Features: Look for additional features and benefits offered by insurance plans, such as wellness programs, telemedicine services, and coverage for alternative therapies. These extras can enhance the overall value of your insurance coverage and contribute to your health and well-being.

Consider Long-Term Needs: Anticipate your future healthcare needs and consider how each insurance plan aligns with your long-term requirements. Look for plans that offer flexibility and scalability to accommodate changes in your health status and life circumstances over time.

By carefully evaluating your healthcare needs, comparing plan options, and considering factors such as cost, coverage, provider networks, and additional features, you can find the most advantageous health insurance plan that meets your needs and provides peace of mind for you and your family’s health and well-being.

By admin

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